Argument analysis is the process of breaking down an argument to determine if it is logical and well-supported. This helps you think critically, which is one of the key skills required in university study. In this section, we will start by learning about the key steps and elements of argument...
In this tutorial you will learn why it is important to use high quality information. Hint: you'll get better grades! You will learn the difference between scholarly and non-scholarly information as well as strategies to help you critically evaluate information. Why can't I just Google it? Google is a good...
Not all information is created equal. Learn how to apply the CRAAP (Currency, Relevance, Authority, Accuracy, Purpose) test to your sources. When you choose information for your assignments, there should be a continual evaluation process occurring. Evaluate information for its relevance and usefulness to your work, and its quality. Not...
Before you start searching for information on your assignment topic, it is important to be organised and have a clear process in mind. This will help you focus your search and identify and resolve the issues you might encounter along the way. Understand the assignment task It is important to understand...